What type of person are you?

This quiz is design it help you realize you need to change your ways and to show you how you act differently. I, RhinoGirl, don’t know how to make a quiz, in fact this is my first one.

I hope in the future I can make better ones but till then I would appreciate it if you could go easy on me. I am on my way to being a teenager and I like to be prepared so I discovered that teenagers are almost always on their phones so that’s what I’m doing.

Created by: RhinoGirl
  1. What is your age?
  2. Do you have a job in at home?
  3. Is your age between 5 & 10?
  4. Are you a girl or a boy?
  5. When you go to a restaurant do you prefer to go or do you like to eat at the table?
  6. Are you a child?
  7. Are you an adult?
  8. Do you take out the trash and recycling?
  9. Do you like playing on your computer?
  10. Are you a mother?

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Quiz topic: What type of person am I?
