What type of Metalhead are you?

Well, there are many styles of Metal music. But many people don't know that each of them has a certain stereotype that listeners often get to be after a while.

What type of Metalhead are you? You like Black Metal? But what if you would act like a Power Metalhead? Find out if you do and what people will probably think you are!

Created by: Adalhart
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What band (out of these) would you prefer to see live?
  2. Which of these bands would you enjoy to listen to the most?
  3. What do you do at the weekend?
  4. Which of these is you favorite singer?
  5. How do you dress?
  6. What ist your favorite color out of these?
  7. What is your favorite drink?
  8. What do you think of Metalcore?
  9. What do you think of humanity?
  10. How long should a song be?

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Quiz topic: What type of Metalhead am I?