What type of Howrse player are you?

What kind of Howrse player are you???? Take this Quiz to find out! Whatever your result is, let others know. Be sure to answer honestly, and be truthful.

Are you the Top player, Popular Player, Chill Player, Pass Buyer, or the Fun Player...Let's find out! Be sure to answer honestly, and be truthful. Let us know how it goes!

Created by: TheHowrsePlayer
  1. You just logged on to Howrse, what are you going to do?
  2. Let's say you just got number one on one of the rankings, what will it be?
  3. So Ow just messaged you and there is a new Divine in the sales. You can sell this horse, and it gives you an apple every day. This horse costs 1,000 passes. You in?
  4. Ok, You are hosting a giveaway... What are your 3 top prizes
  5. Your top goal is...
  6. All your horses are bedded down, your RP buddies have logged off, and your EC is up to date. What are you going to do now?
  7. What type of player do you think you are
  8. Do you have lots of friends?
  9. Do you have a VIP account?
  10. Last question...Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What type of Howrse player am I?
