Do you know Howrse?

There are many Howrse Players, but few top players. Top Players, after all, are the most popular. What is a top player? Someone who has mastered Howrse! You could be the top breeder. Take this quiz to find out!

But are you TRULY a top breeder? Do you have the smarts to be a top breeder and player? Take this quiz and you could find out. It will only take a few minutes!

Created by: london

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How much money do you start with when you start an account?
  2. Can you buy Aging Points at the Store?
  3. What is the minimum age for your horse to enter competitions?
  4. What will your horse be able to do at 6 months of age?
  5. When are you able to become a Saddler?
  6. What does a Philosopher's Stone do?
  7. How many forums are there?
  8. What are the names of the forums?
  9. Where is the Notebook?
  10. What can you look up in the Directories?
  11. What Classical Competitions are there? (specific)
  12. What Western Comps are there?
  13. What do you do to get your General Ranking up?
  14. Who is the #1 Player on Howrse?
  15. What is the Maximum Number of Equus you can have?
  16. What is the Maximum number of Karma Points you can have?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Howrse?