What type of girl are you?

Hello, this quiz is made by TotallyOfficialGir on Pinterest and castle, I decided to make my second quiz about different types of girls, why girls? Because I'm a girl and I know more about girls.

Please don't get sad if you don't like your answer, it's just a quiz and it may be not 100% accurate. I might update this quiz when I can because it took a lot of time and it might take even more to update.

Created by: TotallyOfficialGir
  1. You get a new phone and decide to change it's wallpaper, what will it be?
  2. What will you listen to on repeat in your headphones for a 2 hour car ride?
  3. Choose a shirt
  4. Your crush starts flirting with you at a party, what do you do?
  5. What are you?
  6. Pick a slang
  7. Pick a cartoon
  8. Pick an anime
  9. Pick a color(doesn't have to be your favorite btw ^^)
  10. Pick one of my ocs (just pick the name you like lol)
  11. Lastly, what would you like to get? (In the future I will add more girl types so follow me on Pinterest to get notified!! "TotallyOfficialGir")

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Quiz topic: What type of girl am I?
