What type of girl are you?

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There are girls out there that have a hard time finding their true personality. Some actually dont care. But i like to make peoples lifes easier. so here you go no more finding out who you are

So What kind of girl are you. hopefully this will change the way you look at yourself. Please finish before you quit. its really important that you do. Thank you!!!!!!

Created by: Tierra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do if you see someone fall and hurt themselves or drop their books?
  2. There is a new girl at your school who has these huge books in her hand and her locker is jammed. Do You..
  3. You see this shirt that you like at the store. You then..
  4. A Girl on your cheer-leading team broke her leg. you go over and do what?
  5. The teacher is asking you to do a homework assignment. what do you do
  6. The school is having a talent show.What would your talent be
  7. Your sister at your school asks to borrow money.
  8. A boy you know from school calls you nexpected
  9. what do you think you are
  10. What do you think this quiz was

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Quiz topic: What type of girl am I?