What Type of Genius Are You?

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There's a spark of genius within every person, even those that have been told that they aren't intelligent. Whether you're a straight-A PhD student or failing high school, this quiz will show you your brilliance.

Please answer the questions honestly, since there are no wrong answers. Every kind of genius is equally important to make the world the vibrant place that it is! I hope that you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: ArcaneAsteroid
  1. Hello, and welcome to the quiz! :) This is nothing like a test in school with correct vs. wrong answers, but if it was, what sort of test would you feel like you would do best on?
  2. What is/was your favorite academic subject?
  3. What would you do if you were taking a test about a subject you like less and stumbled upon a free response question that you had no idea how to answer?
  4. Which of these hobbies is most interesting to you?
  5. Do people often tell you that you're intelligent?
  6. What types of extracurricular activities are your favorite?
  7. If two of your friends were fighting with each other, what would you do about it?
  8. You have to help design a room for a new house. What do you offer to do?
  9. You're playing an exciting game of Capture the Flag. What role do you play on your team?
  10. When you have to choose between two options, how do you make your decision?
  11. Someone gives you directions. How do you remember them?
  12. You hear a song in the distance. You...
  13. Thank you for taking this quiz! Will you leave a rating or comment?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Genius am I?
