What type of flower are you? 🌺

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Everyone wants to find out what type of food they are, what type of animal they are, what type of tree they are and they want to find out anything even what type of planet they are.

Do YOU want to find out what type of something you are? Because if you do then you have come to the right place because here in this fun and extrodinary quiz you are going to find out 'What Type Of Flower Are You?'

Created by: Lily

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have any friends with the names written below? (If more than one, pick the you most like)
  2. What's your favourite game?
  3. What's your favourite colour?
  4. What type of clothes do you mostly have?
  5. How often do you wear clothes from your wardrobe?
  6. How many clothes do you have?
  7. What colour(s) is your room?
  8. How do you like to wear your hair?
  9. What is your favourite food?
  10. Do you enjoy school?

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Quiz topic: What type of flower am I? 🌺