what type of element do you have

This quiz is to make you know which of the element is yours. Which type of element are you ,have you been wondering all these while if so you have come to the right place.

Among these six elements fire,water,air,earth,light and dark ,this quiz will make you know your chosen from above ,the above i mentioned means the universe ,so are you ready to know your element, then take this quiz.

Created by: Tunmise David of what type of element do you have
(your link here more info)
  1. What feeling do you feel around nature.
  2. Do you like playing with fire
  3. how many friends do you have
  4. if your personality were to be judged what do you think will be your element
  5. what type of drink would you prefer
  6. do you take martial art
  7. Are you a person for
  8. Which season do you like
  9. Which of these view would you know
  10. What is your gender
  11. do you like children
  12. do you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What type of element do I have
