Which Project Expanse character are you?
The Expanse is an infinitely growing universe populated with the most unusual of creatures and the strangest of phenomena. You as a human may not be able to understand the inner workings of the Expanse, and as such, may not be able to find your place. This quiz is not for that. It's for fun. I did this quiz for fun. I was bored. Ok, have fun. ~Zeyphr
TERMINOLOGY: (Cardinal Elements - The four elements of Fire, Water, Aer, and Earth. These elements can combine to create the Secondary Elements of Darkness, Light, Death, and Life.) (Patron Element - One's personality can match the behavior of an element. The matched element is called a Patron Element.) (Fly, Swim, Power, and Speed - Four attributes that increase as one's skill in them rises. Flight is the ability to fly, Swim is the ability to swim, and so on.)
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