What Type of Dog Should You Get?

This quiz will ask you questions about yourself and at the end will give you advice for what dog you should get. It is a short quiz and is easy to answer the questions.

I hope you like you results at the end! If you don't, I am sorry, and you could try to take it again or try someone else's quiz. Have a good day and I hope you like you score!

Created by: Liz Fogg
  1. Are you energetic?
  2. Have you had a dog before? (will not affect your score)
  3. Do you want a big dog or small dog?
  4. How many dogs do you want?
  5. Do you want a loud dog or a quiet dog?
  6. How old are you?
  7. Do you have kids?
  8. Do you have a big family?
  9. Will you have time to walk your dog?
  10. Was this quiz fun? (will not affect your score)

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Quiz topic: What Type of Dog should I Get?
