What Type Of Anime Character Would You Be?

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This is a anime quiz, when you found out which anime character you will turn into, hope you like it. You basically answer random questions, some of them might be a bit personal but I hope those questions are good.

Disclaimer: if you get offended for the result you get, I'm sorry, the results says what type of anime character you will be (for sort of), with which type of personality and actions.

Created by: Lana
  1. Are you mostly nice to people or rude/mean most of the time?
  2. If you heard you're parents was dying of a serial killer, what would you do?
  3. What type of student are you on your class?
  4. What type of person do you like?
  5. Have you ever felt like you're alone but still have many people close to you?
  6. What colour is your favourite?
  7. Do you know that someone have a crush on you?
  8. Are you usually getting bullied at school?
  9. Have you been in depression a lot?
  10. How many friends do you have?
  11. Are you a bully?
  12. If you saw a serial killer walking on the streets at night, and you were there too, what would you do? (the serial killer would try to kill you)
  13. Do you have siblings?
  14. Last question. What is your favourite animal?

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