What Transformer are you?

This is my second quiz.I made this because there weren't a lot of quizzes about transformers.There are four Transformers that you can pick from.I apologize for any spelling or grammer mistakes.

Here you will determine which Transformer you're most like.You could be a leader like Optimus or fast like Bumblbee.Or you're cruel like Lockdown or powerful like Galvatron.

Created by: Minh Nguyen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are in a dark alley with your friends.A gang of boys approach you.What do you so?
  2. A man is being held hostage in a store and the kidnapper is gone.What do you do?
  3. A man has $2,000,000,000 in cash inside his house.He is asleep and his door is unlocked.What do you do?
  4. Two men are fighting about one of the two's money.What do you do?
  5. A woman is crying because she lost her baby.What do you do?
  6. You see a man who is furious because he was robbed and lost $20,000.
  7. You see a deer that has been shot.What do you do?
  8. You see a lost baby pigeon that can't fly yet.What do you do?
  9. You see a lonely orphan.What do you do?
  10. A man breaks into your house while your parents are gone and says he's going to kill you.What do you do?

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Quiz topic: What Transformer am I?