What Tin Friend are you

Go to my website, and find out all about Tin so you can take this quiz! This is an awsome quiz, so go to it now! Note: charaters are animals so get use to it!

Are you the fun one, Tin, or the mean one, Angelicon? How about Molly, the smart one? Dotty, the silly one, or Limar, the creative one? Finally, Smuff, the snow happy one! Find out now!

Created by: Daytrelle
  1. Do you like pets?
  2. what is your favorite color
  3. How much do you like chicken nugggets?
  4. If you were a pokemon what would you be?
  5. How random are you
  6. Do you have A.D.D.
  7. You like..
  10. LAST LAST QUESTION:what do you like
  11. LAST LAST LAST QUESTION: Cheeze+Cheese?

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Quiz topic: What Tin Friend am I