How Much of a Nugget Are You?

Hi! Do you want to find out if you are a true chicken nugget? Well, here is your chance! Take this quiz to find out! (I don't know what else to say so here...)

When you are done with the quiz... please comment and vote! Also tell me, what is your favorite food? (I don't know what else to say so here you go...)

Created by: Isabella Mezei
  1. Do you even like chicken nuggets?
  2. There is a chicken nugget on the floor inside a well cleaned building... what do you do?
  3. Your friends invite you to the party... what do you do over there?
  4. How smart are you?
  5. Hi
  6. What is your favorite animal? (NO EFFECT)
  7. Pick a number... (HAS EFFECT SO PICK WISELY!)
  8. What is the letter of your first name...
  9. Pick an element!
  10. This quiz is done... did you like it?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a Nugget am I?
