what the hecc happend

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ok what the hecc happend. did this happend to you? like, i was doing a quiz and then it appeard me so many times "critical error questions 14, 2, 12 have to be at least 1 character long"

like what the hecc those questions and the other ones where longer than my butt. did this happend to you? i need help aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i tried publishing that quiz but it appeard me to correct that error and idk what to do!!!!!!!!!

Created by: LiaTheBearOwO
  1. you did read the informative paraghraps right?
  2. ok i need ur help pls!
  3. something weird happend
  4. i was doing a quiz and-
  5. wait why am i wasting time writing what append if u can clearly read the informstive paragraphs
  6. you read it?
  7. ok
  8. yes i need ur help
  9. did this even appen to you?
  10. aaaaaaaaa

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