Which Office character are you?

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Find out which The Office character you are if you dont like your answer feel free to retake as many times as you would like have fun with this quiz. bye

1233456789099987654321123456789987654321234y chx6vt 5gwxt5gw xn5tnwxg45txnwc5tnxo5txzcnt5xgcznt5xnzn5xwtn5txw5txlon5txpon0x5tw9np05xtnop5xw0zcqw53 tlo

Created by: Steve Carrell
  1. Which is more important?
  2. Would you say you are?
  3. Which do you idolize more?
  4. Which would you pick for a pet?
  5. Which is your favorite?
  6. why
  7. why not
  8. Questions 6-10 do NOT effect your answer i just cant think of any other questions
  9. so
  10. last question well done

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Quiz topic: Which Office character am I?
