What swirly do you deserve?

Please enjoy this quiz, I made it because swirlies turn me on but anyway. Only take this quiz if you are willing to do the result and yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

So, I really tried to be interesting but couldn't think of anything. Well, Sorry if you were forced to take this by your bully or whoever forced you to take it.

Created by: Bully me please
  1. Are you a nerd?
  2. Do you get wedgies often?
  3. Why are you taking this quiz?
  4. Will you poop or pee in the toilet when you get the result?
  5. Will you try to open your mouth if you get to pee or poop in the toilet?
  6. Will you do whatever the result is?
  7. Did you like this quiz?
  8. Hope you have fun, if not then whatever lol
  9. Ok ummmmmmmm yea
  10. It needed to be 10 questions so yeah um byeeee thanks for playing

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Quiz topic: What swirly do I deserve?

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