Which Cursed Connor and/or Isabella Characteristic Are You?

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Hello. I made this quiz. I am being forced to write paragraphs describing it before I get to submit it so here I am. In class. Taking no notes. Bored as h.

I hope you enjoy it--it is pretty medium quality but I think you may like it nonetheless. Or at least appreciate the unnecessary and somewhat pointless effort

Created by: Glizzy
  1. Yawnnnnnnn...it looks like you just woke up!! Thank God you don't have to work today. What time is it??
  2. Time to brush your teeth! Which toothbrush are you using?
  3. And what are you wearing?
  4. You just remembered you to check your phone... where do you go first?
  5. You leave the house, but as you're walking down the stairs, you see someone trapped behind the prison gate. What do you do?
  6. So you've left the building, but where are you going?
  7. Great--now how are you getting there?
  8. Oh no... just as you arrive, you run into someone you hate... what do you do?
  9. Just after your nemesis leaves, you get a whatsapp call notification. What do you do?
  10. It turns out the caller just wanted you to take this weird customized quiz... how are you reacting?

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Quiz topic: Which Cursed Connor and/or Isabella Characteristic am I?
