what supernatural are you

this is a super funny quiz try it you'll laugh at your results. Have fun with this quiz its the bom. pls shareit if you like it/ love it we tried our best to make it work thank you.

I created this quiz for other people to have fun. and my friends to its funny and I just love it. just go and see what you are who knows you might be surprised

Created by: Rolo Yolo
  1. witch supernatural do you like most?
  2. witch supernatural do you like least?
  3. what do you prefer?
  4. Do you wanna be?
  5. what colour do you like?
  6. what would you like to be
  7. what do you want?
  8. if you were a wherewolf witch supernatural would you hate more
  9. who do you think would lose in a battle
  10. last question did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What supernatural am I