What Studio Ghibli are you ?

Hiya! Welcome to my quiz. I really do hope you enjoy this. So if your unaware the theme is Studio Ghibli. Studio Ghibli is a type of anime . I recommend this to all people.

Some classical Studio Ghibli are : My Neighbour Totoro which has been made the symbol of Studio Ghibli. Spirited Away which has won so many awards and is a masterpiece. To watch Studio Ghibli you can use Netflix.

Created by: SkinnyTwix
  1. What do you do in your free time ?
  2. What is your style?
  3. Type of food
  4. Favourite Colour?
  5. Who are you in the friendship group?
  6. Are you boy/ girl crazy?
  7. What's your favourite Musical?
  8. What's your favourite lesson
  9. How many boy / girl friends do you have?
  10. What are you hoping to get?

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Quiz topic: What Studio Ghibli am I ?
