What stereotype are you most like?

There are many stereotypes, but I only chose a few. Take my quiz and see which one you are sorted into! Have fun and enjoy! I chose normal, preppy, goth, skater, and sporty. Maybe you'll be one of those categories.

What is normal? What is preppy? What is goth? What is sporty? What is skater? I basically used the usual stereotypes to describe them all. Take this quiz and see which one you are. Enjoy:]

Created by: Sam
  1. What is your favorite school subject?
  2. What would you rather do?
  3. Your friend just bailed on you... again! You...
  4. What's your favorite color?
  5. Favorite shoe company?
  6. If you tripped in the hallways. Everyone sees you and starts laughing. You...
  7. Preferred outfit?
  8. Favorite weather or season?
  9. What's your favorite music type?
  10. Favorite celebrity/ies.

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Quiz topic: What stereotype am I most like?