Stereotypical Stereotype Quiz
So, I know how it is. You're a bored adolescent or 40-yr.-old in mother's basement who's here to take some online quizzes and kill some time, and maybe reaffirm your self-image, and you've clicked on some quiz that appeals to you and are now already taking it because you never bothered to read what you are reading. Same as usual, right? RIGHT, because this stereotype quiz is...STEREOTYPICAL!!
WARNING: Only take this quiz if you are a stereotypical quiz taker--by which I mean you must have plenty of time on your hands, as it's quite long, and belong to a common stereotype (the stereotypical stereotype quiz is missing many of the lesser-known stereotypes, as is this). Also, note that this quiz is aimed at individuals between the ages of 10 and 25, and while others can take it, the results will probably not be relevant or correct.
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