What star wars trooper are you?

So this quiz is mainly for fun, but you will also get to see what kind of trooper you are in the star wars universe with questions about other movies as well!

Some of these result descriptions are stupid so sorry if someone thought super battle droids care for the people they most love. Plus I just had to fill it up to the limit I had to.

Created by: Matt
  1. How brave are you
  2. would you risk your life for your jedi/sith?
  3. did the droid that was complaining to grevious run out of battery?
  4. droid like roasting their leaders do they not?
  5. did bill cipher promise stanley fame whilst he was dying?
  6. why didnt georgie just walk away after the boat went down the sewer
  7. did you watch the hunger games?
  8. what do you do when your mom says to take a bath?
  9. 1+1
  10. which hogwarts house would you want to be in?

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Quiz topic: What star wars trooper am I?
