What Star Wars Jedi Are You?

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This test will figure out what jedi you are. This sentance has to be about one hundred and fifty characters long... so... yeah I'll just finish this sentance.

This is the same quiz, so I will just repeat myself. This test will figure out what jedi you are. This also has to be about one hundred and fifty characters long... so... yeah I'll just finish this sentance, too.

Created by: Mr Meeseeks
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. If you could legally kill somebody, would you?
  3. How would you rank the following: family career, love life?
  4. Do you believe in giving people second chances?
  5. Are you a leader?
  6. Do you like to take risks?
  7. Are you more afraid of death or failure?
  8. If you knew that the rules went against your own beliefs, would you go against them?
  9. Can you keep your anger inside when you feel like bursting?
  10. Do you push yourself?
  11. Do you like to work alone?
  12. Thank you for letting me make this test

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Quiz topic: What Star Wars Jedi am I?
