What Main Clone Wars Character are You?

This is a quiz to find out which of the four main characters of the Clone Wars television show you are. There are so many more I could put in here, but I just chose the top 4 characters.

You can get one of these characters! You could get the Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, the padawan Ahsoka Tano, The padawan Anakin Skywalker or the great Clone Captain Rex!

Created by: StarWarsLover66
  1. First off, Hello There! Your a bold one General (Insert your name here). Are you ready to take the test?
  2. How would you describe your feelings towards the Dark Side of the Force?
  3. You're in the middle of a huge battle. What weapons do you bring?
  4. Your told that you have murdered someone you obviously didn't. What do you do?
  5. You're assigned a mission on a remote planet you have no information about. Who do you bring with you?
  6. Okay wait, I'm confused. Are you a Jedi or something else?
  7. Now what's your favorite star wars quote?
  8. What color lightsaber do you own?
  9. One more! Choose a Clone to accompany you on a mission
  10. This is the end. Sometimes it's hard to be the one that takes these quizzes. Did you enjoy my first quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Main Clone Wars Character am I?
