Nickelodeon's popular animated series SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS chronicles the wacky adventures of a goodhearted, enthusiastic sea sponge and his nautical pals Squid ward, Mr. crabs, Patrick the Starfish, and Sandy the Squirrel in the underwater town of Bikini Bottom. This collection continues the adventures of the absorbent, yellow, and porous one with five fun-filled episodes: "Shanghaied," "Gary Takes a Bath," "Hooky," "Life of Crime," and "Pickles."
When an anchor gets caught on Squid ward's window, sponge bob, Patrick and Squid ward climb it to see who's responsible. It's the Flying Dutchman and he puts the three to work for life! That is, until he dumps Squid ward for being annoying. Little does the Flying Dutchman know, Squid ward may have been the easiest to handle!
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