What splatoon duo are you?

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welcome. this quiz is fun and i worked hard on it. I kind of just made acc (account) so. I hope you like what you get. feel free to do it again! i would also love some comments!

just saying again....i worked hard on this and finished in the nic of time. please share this quiz with friends and family. P.S: people who don't play splatoon might be confused

Created by: LUNA DG IF
  1. OK, first things first, what is your fav color.
  2. now. do you have a hobby.
  3. ROLE PLAY! You get splatted for the 100th time so your friend calls you a noob. You......
  4. more role play! you finally level up but then you get hacked so your brother thinks you are easy to hack. you....
  5. last role play! your mom tells you to turn of your Nintendo while you are in the middle of a boss battle or turf war (your choice) you.........
  6. this will not afect your result. Promise. what is your fav sea animal
  7. what is your fav fruit
  8. last 3! if you could chose, (for a kid) where would you live?
  9. 2 more. why do you like splatoon.
  10. last one! who do you think you will get

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Quiz topic: What splatoon duo am I?
