What Spirit Animal are you?

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In this quiz you will disscover your spirit animal! Take every quesion in and put in the right answer, don't just pick the one so you get, for example, "I wanna be cat so I'm gonna put in cat answers" <- no

If you like this quiz, try some more quizes by me. I'm gonna try get this on top 40. Be warned for some questions are silly and some answers are REALLY weird.

Created by: Kitty100
  1. If a friend let you have a bite of there chocolate what would you do?
  2. Whats your catchy phrase
  3. Whats your favourite Animal?
  4. Would you rather...
  5. How old are you?
  6. Do you like pockemon
  7. Would you Rather...
  8. Cats or Dogs
  9. Pick the best food
  10. Girl or boy?

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Quiz topic: What Spirit Animal am I?
