What spanking do you deserve?

Have you been naughty? Well, you have found the right place! Find out how much of a punishment you deserve to keep you in your place, and good luck to you!

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any harm that this quiz produces to anyone (if any) in any way, shape or form. What happens after this quiz is related to you and you only.

Created by: Maria
  1. How old are you?
  2. What did you do to deserve punishment?
  3. What did you do to deserve punishment (part 2)?
  4. Are you sorry?
  5. What kind of kid are you?
  6. Are you nervous?
  7. How are you gonna take your punishment?
  8. What position are you usually spanked in?
  9. How red will your bottom be after the spanking?
  10. What implement are you usually spanked with?
  11. Lastly, what extra punishment do you think you deserve?

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Quiz topic: What spanking do I deserve?

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