Find out your punishment babygirl !

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Hi little girl. If you arrive here, sorry for you, but you need a punishment. I know it's not funny, but it's for your good. Baby girls are not able to take care of themselves. They need help.

So here is the help. Once you've answered all the questions, go to your caretaker, daddy, mommy, babysitter... and show him the result. Hope this will learn you to behave. Good luck, baby girl !

Created by: Dannee
  1. Your age (in littlespace)
  2. What have you done ?
  3. Have you ever done this ? Be honest babygirl !
  4. If yes did you get a punishment ?
  5. What was your punishment ?
  6. Are you sorry ?
  7. So today you'll get a punishment naughty girl.
  8. How will you act during your punishment ?
  9. Have you been punished this week ?
  10. Do you desobey often ?
  11. Why have you done this today ?
  12. What do you think you'll get ?
  13. To which punishment would you like to increase the chances ?
  14. To which punishment would you like to decrease the chances ?
  15. A last word to say baby girl ?

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Quiz topic: Find out my punishment babygirl !

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