what sonic boy will love ya

this quiz is all about what sonic character you will get so click all of your answers and at the end it will give you your result of which sonic character would date you

blahabalaaba;asjsfuehfrbykcgjnuefhxjkcdmxcmnjxdmjxmxmxmkcxm8ytrfbtncvbnv gfncfvgvbjfksdjlfjvbgjgjvncfdjfnvbfhcndjcfvbhfncjvbhfnjcvhbvfndjfcvhbhncvhfvf

Created by: kalei3456
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. what gerne of music do you listen to
  3. which sonic boy is cuter
  4. if you were stuck on the couch with shadow the hedgehog what wouls you do
  5. will you rate
  6. what decribes you
  7. are you bored
  8. did you like this quiz
  9. will you like
  10. bye

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