Which Character From The Sonic Team Are You?

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I know a lot of people out there (including me) who wish they knew which sonic character they are. Well if you're one of those people then today is your lucky day!

This short quiz will tell you which member of the sonic team YOU are. I made most of the questions and answers myself and I tried to make it as accurate as possible. I hope you have fun!

Created by: pip14bob
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What would you prefer to do right now?
  3. What month is your birthday in?
  4. How would you describe yourself?
  5. Who is your best friend?
  6. You are in a rush and you quickly grab something. What is it?
  7. What would you do if you're trapped in a giant box?
  8. What are you afraid of?
  9. What is your favorite food?
  10. Do you call yourself a leader?

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Quiz topic: Which Character From The Sonic Team am I?
