What song are you really?

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This quiz is supposed to be for fun. Please answer truthfully to get the best resalts for you. Sometimes you might not be happy but I hope you like your resalts.

Please rate and comment about this quiz but try not to have bad comments. If you have a Reccomendation, I would love it! thank you so much for taking this!

Created by: l8rg8r23

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. read above please!
  2. You often want to Know everyone and want All to like you.
  3. You don't want anyone to think you're something you're are not.
  4. You Are VERY Emotional
  5. You love parties
  6. You always are optimistic.
  7. You Think Life is always great
  8. You always want to be popular
  9. You like saying random things.
  10. You Like spelling random things.
  11. You feel your dreams never come true.
  12. You feel your dreams never come true.

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Quiz topic: What song am I really?