l8rg8r23's Profile

Joined on Nov 2, 2014
Status Level: Novice
l8rg8r23's Quizzes
- What song are you really?[published: Nov 26, 2014, 4 comments]
This quiz is supposed to be for fun. Please answer truthfully to get the best resalts for you.……
- Should you have pasted the 6th grade?[published: Nov 23, 2014, 9 comments]
many people in this world are smart, but only some are geniuses. geniuses are exeptionally……
l8rg8r23's Recent Posts
"Girl amighty how old r u?"
"She's right"
"so none?"
"Just stop."
"I was reading this book, l8r g8r, ( hint, hint) and One of the main charecters went on this site. I have been on it for about 2 years, But j..."
" ok."
"ok now this doesn't make sense."
"Sorry, I had to do that,"
"I AGREE with br0wnie "
"*makes a ugh face*"
"its support"
"When Is this due? From my experience with this type of stuff, I think that you should probably find some evidence to prove it. Although ever..."
"yes to which one?"
l8rg8r23's Recent Quiz Comments
"It said grey... Im a CArmel"
1 -
"This is sooo predictable!!"
1 -
"Thank you for your feedback."
1 -
"dude. This Quiz is Bad. You didn't add things to help the resalts! you need to do that to get more takers. Do it!!! Just trying to help…"
1 -
"OMG thanks!!! :) Glad you liked it!"
1 -
"sorry but this quiz has like no songs! take my Quiz, What song are you Really? and it is way better i think!!! sorry but i think yours has…"
2 -
"70%.... mo ney?"
1 -
"god chill! ur young!1! ur in 6th grade right? take my quiz, should you have pasted the 6th graade"
1 -
"Truth 1:
Most of the time."1 -
"this quiz is inaccuate i am in 6th grade and i got 11th! all of the stuff on ere is super easy! if you want something harder, take MY quiz,…"