What Social Media are you?

Quiz to see what kind of social media you are :) The options are Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook random words for the characters limit

I'm not sure what to write here, just fill in whatever you vibe with the most. If you don't get the social media you wanted or expected, don't worry, I'm not very good at making quizzes anyway

Created by: cristali
  1. What word would your friends describe you with?
  2. What do you prefer?
  3. What place do you like best?
  4. Do you like pet names?
  5. What color do you like?
  6. What outfit do you like?
  7. What colors clothes do you prefer?
  8. What is your hobby? (or could be your hobby)
  9. What social media do you use the most?
  10. What do you think your result will be?

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Quiz topic: What Social Media am I?
