Stop judging people that you don't know!

What are you waiting for? Spread my word. ALL OVER THE PLACE. Spread it on your site, a blog, on YouTube, Facebook, twitter, the forums, and EVERYWHERE on the Internet that you can get your hands on! Go!

What are you waiting for? Spread my word. ALL OVER THE PLACE. Spread it on your site, a blog, on YouTube, Facebook, twitter, the forums, and EVERYWHERE on the Internet that you can get your hands on! Go! Now! Spread it!

Created by: Ainsley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. We all know this. Judging, name calling, labels... UGH!!! I think I had enough of that business. It's giving me nerves.
  2. I'll give you examples on how bad judging is. Let's start with wearing pink if you're a guy. People then call you g*y. See how simple that is?
  3. Having glasses and braces and tons of pimples, then they call you a geek. How crazy!
  4. Wear black all over and wear side bangs then you get called emo.
  5. Wear glitter and pink head to toe and people will immediently call you a wannabe.
  6. Wear hollister and you get called a prep.
  7. Cut yourself and you get called goth.
  8. Sit by yourself at lunch then people will call you a loner.
  9. Make out with strangers then you get called a sl*t.
  10. Be smart and get called a nerd? I would attack such stereotypical people...
  11. Have a sad life, then people will call you "sad loner".
  12. See how bad judging others can be? People are so stereotypical these days. I had ENOUGH. Just ENOUGH. Judging is getting on my nerves!
  13. Don't forget to spread the word, I know I did. Spread it on the Internet and everywhere you can get your hands on! Come on!

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