What Should Your Job Be?

Well, this is a quiz, for people who are bored, and decided to see what job they should have. Now, this is just for fun, and should not be taken too seriously.

Of course, you might actually get a result you like, and if you do, BE PROUD, because I'm quite certain that this quiz SUCKS. Anyways, have fun finding out if you'll like the job you probably won't have (:

Created by: Bri
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  2. What is your favourite weather?
  3. What's better?
  4. With $20, you would go to which shop?
  5. What Colour Is The Best
  6. How Would People Describe You?
  7. What is the best bird?
  8. What do you hate?
  9. This quiz sucked (:

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Quiz topic: What should Ir Job Be?