What shoe size will you wear when you grow up?

Hello i am QuizCreatorPerson and you may want to know what shoe size you will wear as an adult for some odd reason! So take this Quiz to find! Please, i beg you.

By the way, the answer / result may not be 100% correct, sooooooooooo, sorry for that :/. Maybe in the future you can tell me what your result was and what shoe size you actually grew to, lol.

Created by: QuizCreatorHuman
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is your current shoe size?
  4. How tall are you currently?
  5. What is your body type?
  6. How wide are your feet?
  7. Are you enjoying this quiz!
  8. Do you think you will have big, small or average feet?
  9. Btw, the answer might not be 100% correct, so sorry :/
  10. Finally after wasting all of your time with these last questions are you ready to find out?

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Quiz topic: What shoe size will I wear when you grow up?
