What Type of Shoe Are You?

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Ever wonder what shoe you resemble? Okay. Probably really random. But after you take this quiz, you'll know... and it doesn't hurt to know!!! So what shoe are YOU?

In a little bit, you'll know for sure exactly what shoes you can slip into and feel right at home! Crazy? Maybe. In a couple minutes, you'll know what shoe... are YOU!

Created by: Girl Friday
  1. Which of the following activities sounds like the most fun way to spend an afternoon?
  2. You're invited to a party and decide to wear...
  3. Your favorite movie is...
  4. Every night before you go to sleep, your beauty regiment consists of...
  5. If you were a flower, you'd be...
  6. Your dream birthday would be...
  7. Sports are...
  8. Which of the following hats would you want to wear?
  9. People tell you your best feature is...
  10. Would you ever wear all black?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Shoe am I?