What she cat are you? grls only :)

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HELLO MAH SHE CATS!!! Welcome to my quiz! In the quiz, you will find out, which of the four she cats you are. There are no right or wrong answers! :) Have fun!

all u warrior fans out there, <3! also, Im gonna make a boy one too, so, yeah. :P uhmmm, this has 2 be 150 characters long so... deujbfekbxcui cuebhuiwncfronfiweb qyionb. There. does that work? :P

Created by: Dominique Rey
  1. how would you describe yourself?
  2. how many kits do you want?
  3. what color do you want to be?
  4. RP: you see your mate trying to fight off a fox, what do you do?
  5. RP: your kit(s) has escaped. what do you do?
  6. what do you do at gatherings?
  7. RP: someone threatends your kits... you,
  8. what is your favorite food?
  9. someone from another clan asks you to meet him somewhere in the night. you:
  10. did you like the quiz? (doesnt affect result)

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Quiz topic: What she cat am I? grls only :)
