Warrior Cats - Journey

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hello, Warrior Cats fans! welcome to my quiz! this is girls only, okay? this quiz is different from any other! there will be no questions, but scenes and decisions.

what will happen? will you find a possible mate? achieve high ranks or go back to being a rouge? once you get your result, it will tell you which quiz to search up to continue your adventure! enjoy! (p.s. all the characters are mine and so are the descriptions. no copying plz!)

Created by: Iris Blood
  1. choose a name and description;
  2. you've been walking for days and are starving. you enter a small forest, looking for food and a place to rest. suddenly you hear twigs snap. a group of cats emerges from the undergrowth and approaches you. you...
  3. a jet-black tom with kind green eyes approaches you. "hello," he says calmly. "I am GreenStar. what brings you to our forest?" you...
  4. "very well then, take her to camp. we'll discuss there." says GreenStar. you...
  5. you enter the camp with GreenStar. all the cats send you hostile glances and a few even hiss. scared, you...
  6. after a few days of staying in the camp, a pretty Queen with matted fur walks up to you. "hello," she meows. "I am Honeytail, GreenStar's mate. I need help in the nursery and he said I should talk to you. could you give me a helping paw?" you...
  7. Honeytail looks at you sideways, then leaves. a few moments later she returns with a tom. he has a white belly and grey paws. his back and tail are black, and so is half of his face. "(insert chosen name), meet my cousin, AutumnTail. he's going to show you around." says Honeytail. you...
  8. after a long tour of camp, AutmunTail offers to take you hunting. you...
  9. it's the middle of the night. you hear someone outside and take a peek. you see AutumnTail exiting the camp with a black she-cat. you..
  10. you discover that AutumnTail and the black she-cat are from another clan. they plan to tell their clan about every little secret and schedule ThunderClan has to offer. you....
  11. your action gets AutumnTail caught. you watch as three warriors drag his unconscious body towards a special log covered in thorned vines. "his trial is tomorrow," you hear someone say. "he's got no counter-witnesses. probably gonna get banished." you...
  12. the next day at his trial.... "do you deny this action?" demands GreenStar. AutumnTail bravely shakes his head. "do you have counter-witnesses?" asks Honeytail. AutumnTail is about to shake his head, when suddenly you....
  13. your action gets AutumnTail freed, and Honeytail is thankful for it. she offers you the opportunity to remain in the clan. you...

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