What Sharp Class Are You

Sharp Class dragons are vain and prideful, and they all possess sharp body parts. The dragons included are: Devilish Dervish Egg Biter Grim Gnasher Hackatoo Prickleboggle Raincutter Razorwhip Scuttleclaw Shivertooth Speed Stinger Stormcutter Thornridge Timberjack Windstriker

Are you ready to find out what Sharp class dragon you are? Are you a Deadly Nadder? A StormCutter? A TimberJack? Find out in this very quiz and join the Dragon academy!

Created by: Milleta Dowton

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your personality
  2. What is your favourite colour
  3. What is your favourite element
  4. Which road to you prefer
  5. What scene do you prefer
  6. Which would your superpower be
  7. What is your favourite Sharp class Dragon
  8. What is your Dragons favourite food
  9. What Is your fav Activity
  10. What made you like How to Train your Dragon

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Quiz topic: What Sharp Class am I