dragon tamer153

dragons are mythical beasts that like to feast on animals and have extrodinary hunting and fighting skills. they have sharp claws and teeth that can break bone.

what kind of dragon are you? will you be a stron or weak dragon, one that can destroy you in battle or one that just comes up with the perfect plan. just take this quiz and find out!

Created by: chantelle

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your fav. coulor?
  2. were would you like to live most?
  3. do you like to swim?
  4. if you could fly would you?
  5. do you like dragons?
  6. if you had to fight would you?
  7. do you like to hang around people?
  8. what is you fav activity?
  9. if you were a dragon would you be nice or mean. (i know weird question)
  10. if you saw an injured animal on the ground what would you do?
  11. do you like adventure?

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