What Sesame Street Character Are You?

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have u ever wondered wat sesame street character u r?? I haven't!! but 4 the more creative peeps out there that have, here is the quiz 4 u!!

What sesame character r u?? gosh, i hate writing this paragraphs!! >:-P I just do spaces. C i am now done.

Created by: gibby

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How may friends do you have?
  2. How are you usually feeling?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. R U RANDOM??!!! (no affect just asking)
  6. I would love 2 B a...
  8. kk sorry 4 the random Qs!!
  9. PLz pick a smiley face.
  10. What are you hoping 2 get??
  11. Comment?
  12. Rate?
  13. PLz check out my other quizzes!!!
  14. Ohh and 1 more thing!! Uk #7? IT DOES COUNT MAWHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: What Sesame Street Character am I?