What Seal are You?

Some people want to know what color they are, or what movie star they are, but that's now what matters. What you really want to know is what seal you are! (The animal seal stupid).

Take the time to find out out what seal you are. Find your true destiny and share it to the world. YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT SEAL YOU ARE. YOU REALLY DO. IT'S YOUR LIFE-LONG GOAL.

Created by: Paul
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is a Seal?
  2. What do you eat?
  3. What do you drive/ride to school?
  4. If I gave you a dollar what would you with it?
  5. What was World War II?
  6. What does the number 42 mean to you?
  7. What is a Trekkie?
  8. Who is the best person named here below?
  9. What is sum of the first five prime numbers?
  10. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

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Quiz topic: What Seal am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Animals Quiz category.