How Random are you????

omg god rock on dudes i luv you so much but no one cares unless you are random enough to tell me. so yah are you random or random enought to love me so there i think that everone can be random if you try

Are you a .....moon chav, seal, flying fish, monster, monkey, tree or a teletubbie or even a banana but never underestimate your hoola hoop, mwa ha any way i think you will really enjoy this quiz random or not. or else the fairies will eat you

Created by: Alice

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Bish Bash Bosh........
  2. How do your friends see you?
  3. Monkeys are...
  4. What is your Favourite song?
  5. Why did the seal fall out of the tree?
  6. Why did the second seal fall out of the tree?
  7. Why did the third seal fall out of the tree?
  8. Why did the tree fall down?
  9. How did you find this quiz?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  11. complete the sentence... "the cat went to the..."
  12. All done

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Quiz topic: How Random am I????