Are You Completely Random?

Well, some people just try too hard to be FUNNY and RANDOM. So, here's the BESTEST way to find out if you're pushing the buttons of your fellow buddies by being too talkative with nothing to say. OR if EVERYONE loves you because you know the boundaries!

So, ARE YOU RANDOM OR AN ANNOYING WASTE OF SPACE? Well, no one is a waste of space... so i guess EVERYONE IS A WINNER!! Well, 'nuff outta me shish-kabob-y! Soon your DESTINY SHALL AWAIT YOU. The QUESTION: are you completely random?

Created by: Stephannie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So I was at the mall today,
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. Hoopla?
  5. Do you think you're random?
  6. Should this be the last question?
  8. But THIS is :B
  9. Am I a LIAR??
  10. Baby Bottle Pop!!

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Quiz topic: Am I Completely Random?