What school friend group are you in?

This is a fun quiz to learn about what friend group you are part of, or how you are at school. Always remember to be honest. Dont forget that yo should be proud of what group you are in.

This quiz is quick and can only be answered and work if you answer is true honesty. Especially if you want a true answer you have to be truthful. Have Fun!

Created by: Pro_Quizz_Maker
  1. What is your favrite subject?
  2. Do you like school?
  3. What time would you want school to start?
  4. What is your favortie sport?
  5. How big is your friend group?
  6. Do you raise your hand in class?
  7. What grades do you get?
  8. Do you do extra curriculars?
  9. How long do you do homework for?
  10. Do you play an instrument?

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Quiz topic: What school friend group am I in?
