How popular are you?

When you are about, are, or were in high school, i bet we all had the same questions and thoughts. "where will i sit at lunch?" " can i have my phone in class?" and lastly... " whats my friend group like?"

I made this quiz so you can see how popular you are that way you can bring back high school, see if high school will still go well, and see what its like. Or this can just help you see how popular you actually are! I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Madison Mittlestadt
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. When school/work is cancelled you like to...
  3. Favorite show?
  4. Favorite app?
  5. Favorite boy band?
  6. Whats your favorite color?
  7. If someone was about to shoot you, what are your last words?
  8. How many siblings do u have?
  9. What sports do you play?
  10. Last question.... did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How popular am I?
